INVESTIGO programme
ORCID: 0000-0002-5265-0094

Nieves López-Rodríguez


I'm a biologist. Since 2018, I have been working on biomonitoring of aquatic biodiversity in a private company. In 2020, I started my PhD on the application of molecular approaches (metabarcoding) to Mediterranean aquatic macroinvertebrates. This includes basic research on taxonomic, genetic and functional diversity, conservation patterns and conservation areas in high mountain streams, and applied research on eDNA as a biological indicator of invertebrates in temporary disconnected pools.
We are now working with traditional methods and eDNA to understand how climate change, hydrological and natural disturbances and anthropogenic stressors are affecting different aquatic populations and communities in different ecosystems using these molecular methods. The results of this research will help management authorities, industry and other stakeholders to safeguard aquatic communities in a less damaging way.