The IDAEA Sinergia Projects aim to strengthen the research conducted at the IDAEA by fostering collaboration among researchers from diverse scientific fields. During the seminar, the 6 projects developed at IDAEA in the 2021 call will be presented. Language: English
The IDAEA Sinergia Projects, funded by the Severo Ochoa Excellence Program and the Ministry of Science and Innovation, aim to strengthen the research conducted at the IDAEA by fostering collaboration among researchers from diverse scientific fields. This initiative also provides young researchers with the opportunity to develop their scientific ideas and fruitful discussions with more senior researchers.
During the Sinergia Project 2021 Seminar six projects will be presented, covering a wide range of IDAEA research lines: CO2 measurements in schools, sustainable urban drainage, human exposure to micro and nanoplastics, environmental risk assessment of chemicals in water, pharmacological compounds in groundwaters, and chronic exposure to rare elements.
After the seminar, there will be a selection of finger foods and snacks to stimulate discussion among the attendees. Please register through the following link.