Ramón y Cajal fellow

ORCID: 0000-0003-3279-3589

Lluís Gómez Gener


I am an ecosystem biogeochemist using high-mountain waterscapes—including streams, lakes, and groundwater—as natural laboratories to investigate how human- and climate-driven changes (e.g., droughts, alterations in snow and ice melt, land use changes, and atmospheric deposition) impact the transport and biogeochemical transformations of nutrients and carbon across various scales in remote watersheds. My work integrates:
1. The identification of hydro-chemical regimes in headwater streams, rivers, and lakes.
2. Linking physical, geochemical, and biological processes that govern the delivery, cycling, and fate of biogeochemical species within watersheds.
3. Exploring processes at eco-hydrological interfaces, such as terrestrial-aquatic, atmospheric-aquatic, and surface-subsurface zones.
I am passionate about leveraging new technologies and pursuing do-it-yourself projects in science!