Severo Ochoa Scientific Director
ORCID: 0000-0003-3235-1027

Research Gate

Teresa Moreno Pérez


Teresa Moreno trained as a geologist (Universidad Complutense Madrid, 1992), working in the Spanish Geological Survey before completing her doctoral thesis on the geochemistry and micromineralogy of platinum group elements at Cardiff University (UK) in 1999. After a Fulbright Scholarship in New York, she was funded by the British Medical Research Council to work with toxicologists on the physical and chemical characterization of atmospheric particulate matter and its health effects. After eight years abroad she moved back to Spain, working at CSIC research institutes as an atmospheric geoscientist, gaining tenure in 2006, promotion to Senior Researcher in 2010, and Research Professor in 2023. She has published over 160 articles in SCI journals and contributed to more than 30 books (4 as an editor, including the prestigious Geology of Spain (2002), Chile (2007) and Japan (2016) series published by the Geological Society of London), and has worked in Japan as a Research Fellow for the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. Teresa has participated in more than 70 competitive projects, 17 of them as main researcher at both national (Ministries of Environment, Science and Innovation and Economy and Competitiveness) and international (European Union, Framework Programs and LIFE) levels. In recent years she has co-ordinated and led the European IMPROVE LIFE project (2014-2018), and the nationally funded METRO, BUSAIR, EXPOPLAS, EDGE projects (2013-2026) on the improvement of air quality in the subway and on public buses, and exposure to airborne plastics. She was the Director of IDAEA from May 2018 until July 2023, is currently Scientific Director of the Severo Ochoa Centre of Excellence project in IDAEA , and recently (2023) became Co-ordinator for Earth and Environment Research in CSIC (Spanish Research Council).