Postdoctoral researcher
ORCID: 0000-0001-9694-0627

Stefan Platikanov


Stefan has a master degree in biology from the University of Sofia, Bulgaria. For some years, he had worked for the Institute of Botany, Bulgarian Academy of Science as a researcher. His research interests have been focused on the biodiversity protection; National parks management and planning; applied statistics.
Stefan obtained his PhD in analytical chemistry from the University of Barcelona as a chemometrician (applied statistics in chemistry) under the supervision of Dr. Roma Tauler. He has started as a researcher in Instituto de Diagnóstico Ambiental y Estudios del Agua –CSIC on a part –time contract. The focus of his recent research is on the improvement of water quality (drinking and residual) ; environmental protection by application of multivariate analysis of data. As a second line of investigation, his research is focused on the food quality control by means of multivariate analysis and applying predictive models.
His professional R+D activities rely on scientific consultancy for projects targeting different objectives with companies and public institutions such as ICRA (Girona), AGBAR and Cetaqua (Grupo SUEZ).