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Upscaling of unstable flow, transport and reactions in heterogeneous porous media
The main purpose of ESFERA is to advance in the knowledge of the characterization of mixing, reaction and solute transport in unstable flow in porous media. Unstable flow is an key factor in natural and industrial processes such as sea water intrusion in coastal aquifers, CO2 and hydrogen underground storage, geothermal energy technologies and vapor transport in snow packs and soils. Specifically, ESFERA will characterize and upscale convection-dominated mixing and dissolution in heterogeneous media, study and upscale the effect of heterogeneity in the migration and dissolution of unstable gravity currents and study and upscale mixing-limited reactions and vapor fluxes in unstable flow in heterogeneous media. To achieve the project’s objective a methodology methodology based on numerical simulations and theoretical development. High resolution numerical simulations will inform the theoretical models. The upscaling methodology will be based on the identification of equivalent permeability fields and effective dispersion coefficients that account for the medium’s heterogeneity structure. The effective coefficients will be developed using a lamellar approach description based on the deformation of the material fluid elements.
Grant CNS2023-144134 funded by MICIU/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and the European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR
Start Date: 01/04/2024 – End Date: 31/03/2026

Assistència tècnica per a l’anàlisi de sediments, peixos i biomarcadors i realització de testos de toxicitat al meandre de Flix
És objecte d’aquest treball donar resposta a aquests requeriments. Concretament:
- Analitzar la matèria orgànica, els metalls i els compostos organoclorats de mostres de sediment.
- Analizar metalls i compostos organoclorats de mostres de peix.
- Analitzar biomarcadors de toxicitat i indicadors d’estrès en peixos i invertebrats.
- Realitzar assajos de toxicitat in vitro amb aigua i sediments de dins i fora del meandre.
Finançament: Agència Catalana de l'Aigua. Referència: CTN2300529.
Start Date: 01/04/2024 – End Date: 31/10/2025

Caracterización del Exposoma a sustancias disruptoras endocrinas en niños mediante el uso de espectrometría de masas de alta resolución y el análisis de datos avanzado
Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. Proyectos Consolidación Investigadora 2023. Referencia: CNS2023-143649
Start Date: 01/04/2024 – End Date: 30/06/2026
Developing tools and strategies to ensure the availability of WATER resources in urban areas under CLIMATE change
Freshwater resources are suffering increasing pressure in urban areas due to several factors, such as climate change and growing population. Currently, Catalonia is facing a severe drought period of more than two years and this situation is especially critical at the Ter-Llobregat water system that is at 27% capacity. Droughts have been a recurrent phenomenon in these catchments in recent years and there is the urgent need to propose alternative water resources such as urban groundwater. Groundwater can be used as strategic resource to tackle the limited availability of surface water resources, meeting peak demands, but it is essential to investigate the groundwater quality, to explore its potential uses including drinking water supply and to forecast potential future scenarios considering the impact of climate change on groundwater resources.
In this context, the aim of WATERCLIMATE is to develop a set of tools and guidelines/strategies to ensure the availability of groundwater resources in urban areas to face climate change. These tools include source apportionment modelling tool (RE-MIX code) as well as numerical modelling, and will allow the better management of water resources improving qualitative and quantitative aspects. These tools will be applied in the Besòs River catchment at different scales but can be used in any other aquifer system of Catalonia and Europe.
Funding: AGAUR and 2023 CLIMA 0101
Start Date: 29/01/2024 – End Date: 28/01/2026
Funding: European Project, National Project

Monitor en continuo, con alta resolución temporal, de concentración de múltiples metales en aerosoles atmosféricos.
Este equipamiento es parte de la ayuda EQC2024-008470-P, financiada por MCIN/ AEI/10.13039/501100011033/ y FEDER Una manera de hacer Europa.
Start Date: 01/01/2024 – End Date: 30/06/2026
Integrated approach to assess the levels and impact of contaminants of emerging concern on blue health and biodiversity modulated by climate change drivers
The ONE-BLUE project aims to address the growing concerns about emerging contaminants (CECs) in marine environments. CECs can be found in pharmaceuticals, personal care products, flame retardants, pesticides, plastic additives, and micro- and nanoplastics. These contaminants pose a significant risk to marine ecosystems and biodiversity. Moreover, climate change exacerbates these risks by altering marine conditions, contaminant behaviour, and ocean acidification. The project seeks to enhance understanding of the presence, behaviour, and impacts of CECs in marine ecosystems under the influence of climate change.
ONE-BLUE focuses on developing new monitoring tools, advanced methodologies, and a comprehensive database (CECsMarineDB) to support effective management and policy decision-making. The studies include sampling campaigns in selected marine areas—the Atlantic Ocean, the Arctic, and the Mediterranean Sea—as well as controlled marine mesocosm experiments to investigate the interactions between CECs and climate change. Additionally, the project employs machine learning-based predictive models to assess and forecast future impacts. The project outcomes will be widely disseminated, and exploitation plans will be established to ensure the effective application of the developed technologies.
Funding: European Union’s HORIZON-CL6-2023-ZEROPOLLUTION-01 Ref No. 101134929
Start Date: 01/01/2024 – End Date: 30/06/2028
Funding: European Project

Mejorando la caracterización molecular de mezclas complejas en estudios ambientales, humanos y toxicológicos mediante un enfoque integrado utilizando espectrometría de masas y movilidad iónica
Este equipamiento es parte de la ayuda EQC2024-008517-P, financiada por MCIN/ AEI/10.13039/501100011033/ y FEDER Una manera de hacer Europa.
Start Date: 01/01/2024 – End Date: 30/06/2026
Novel effect biomarkers for metabolic disruptors: evidence on health impacts to answer science and policy needs
Metabolic disrupting chemicals (MDCs) represent a prevalent challenge to human health, as their wide use in consumer products results in unavoidable, continuous exposure to these chemicals. As exposure to MDCs has been linked to increased incidence of metabolic diseases, the NEMESIS project aims to address critical gaps in understanding how this happens, to pave the way for more effective regulatory measures.
Within the project, we will enhance the understanding of how MDCs impact human health, provide insights from biomonitoring data on MDC levels and their mixtures across different regions, increase mechanistic understanding of chemical-induced metabolic disruption, develop predictive computational tools to predict outcomes of exposure, and communicate the project results efficiently to the public to raise awareness and promote health-promoting behaviors. By integrating the project’s findings into regulatory measures, the NEMESIS project aims to enhance the public health of the EU citizens and beyond.
Funding: European Commission. HORIZON-HLTH-2023-ENVHLTH-02-03-101137405
Start Date: 01/01/2024 – End Date: 31/12/2028
New tools for marine environmental monitoring: omics, ARGs and chemical analysis of emerging and untargeted contaminants
OMICHEMAR aims to assess the impact of regulated and emerging pollutants and their possible effects in the marine environment, using omics approaches such as the use of meta-genomics and meta-proteomics in environmental matrices such as sediment and biota and cutting-edge analytical approaches such as non-target analysis or the analysis of emerging pollutants such as nanoparticles or the presence of antibiotics and antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs). Hence, the results of the project can contribute to a significant improvement in the monitoring of marine ecosystems and transitional waters and to the development of new approaches to be implemented for assessing the environmental quality of coastal ecosystems.
Start Date: 01/01/2024 – End Date: 30/06/2026
Funding: European Project
Desarrollo de una plataforma inteligente de modelización y virtualizacio´n de recursos hídricos
En la actualidad, en la mayoría de los países del mundo es ejercida una presión sin precedentes sobre los recursos hídricos, con una población creciente y un escenario donde el cambio climático supone un factor de condicionalidad añadido a la escasez de estos recursos. Para el año 2030, según estimaciones de la FAO, la diferencia entre demanda y suministro disponible a nivel mundial será del 40%, realidad a la que, lejos de ser ajena, España es un país muy directamente afectado por esta problemática. En este sentido, las estimaciones de riesgo de desertificación de España, estimadas por el Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico, hacen saltar todas las alarmas, mostrando que 2/3 partes del territorio español se encuentran potencialmente afectadas por este proceso. Es necesario actuar con urgencia, afrontando el problema con nuevas herramientas, con capacidad y con innovación y E-HYDRO está llamado a ser una herramienta clave para ello.
Ante la problemática e imperiosa necesidad existente, identificada igualmente en la inclusión de esta temática dentro de los objetivos del programa Transmisiones 2023, la solución E-HYDRO dará respuesta mediante la dotación de capacidades altamente innovadoras para la Gestión de los Recursos Hídricos. Así, E-HYDRO permitirá una gestión a nivel Cuenca Hidrográfica y su red fluvial asociada, en la que el usuario contará con un Gemelo Digital de la cuenca, asistido por herramientas de virtualización y modelización con motores de inteligencia artificial específicamente desarrollados. E-HYDRO permitirá así consultar, simular y prevenir escenarios reales o potenciales en aras de la asistencia precisa a la toma de decisiones para la mejor gestión del recurso agua.
Funding: AEI/Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades i PLEC2023010215