Qué ofrecemos
El IDÆA está equipado con instrumentos de última generación para la caracterización fisicoquímica y evaluación toxicológica de muestras ambientales y biológicas. Los laboratorios del IDÆA proporcionan un estándar de referencia en Europa para análisis químicos, toxicológicos y mineralógicos. El equipamiento incluye espectrómetros de masas acoplados con diferentes sistemas cromatográficos para la determinación de compuestos orgánicos. Estas técnicas, junto con metodologías quimiométricas, permiten obtener información sobre el origen de la muestra, su estado de degradación y procesos biogeoquímicos. Además, el centro dispone de instrumentos para determinar contaminantes inorgánicos, mercurio, organomercurio y otros compuestos. El IDÆA también ofrece instalaciones de cultivos celulares, animalario, salas de histología, plataformas de comportamiento, sala de microscopía, servicios de genómica, equipos para el estudio de las cinéticas de fotooxidación e instrumentación de extracción en fase sólida. El instituto también posee dos plantas piloto para el estudio de sistemas de agua y sitios experimentales de campo, así como redes de monitoreo continuo para la hidráulica subterránea, evaluación del potencial geotérmico y evaluación y modelización de la calidad. Para analizar sistemas atmosféricos, el IDÆA opera una red única de estaciones de monitoreo para aerosoles atmosféricos y precursores gaseosos. Esta red se compone de un laboratorio móvil y tres sitios de monitoreo fijos.
The Funding Department aims to acquire financing possibilities for future national and international projects. Working hand by hand with the Directive Board and the Communication and Outreach Department, it ensures that IDAEA thrives on excellent scientific progress.
Communication & Outreach
The Communication and Outreach Department was recently established to promote IDAEA’s scientific activity. Having obtained the award Center of Excellence “Severo Ochoa”, IDAEA has reinforced the intention to disseminate its research by expanding the DepartmentNot only is the visibility one of the Department’s goals, but also the positive contribution to society. This is the reason why several outreach and dissemination activities are run during the year. Promoting scientific vocations in children, especially girls, or closing the gap between science and society by inviting families and the general public to the center are some of our actions.
IDAEA research is supported by 17 scientific equipment services that provide shared access to specialized and interdisciplinary equipment, and expertise on environmental analytical assays. The services are also open to external uses from academia and industry.
Visit the Services section to get a better insight of the wide range of technical equipment IDAEA offers.
IDAEA offers a stimulating environment where researchers can continuously grow in their career progression.
It organizes weekly internal seminars to favour knowledge transfer among different research groups and promote collaborations. Researchers from other national and international centers are often invited to give talks, expanding the scientific knowledge and boosting cooperation among institutions. A wide variety of courses and workshops are run all year round to train predoctoral researchers, postdocs, and technical staff.
The centre also provides hands-on experience in the use of an extensive instrumentation base, especially in analytical chemistry. This allows high transferability of researchers from academia to private companies, industries or public administration, establishing a stronger network to face local and global challenges. We offer a diverse and inclusive environment where no discrimination against disability, gender, nationality, religion or sexual orientation will occur during the selection process. Take a look at our open positions. We invite candidates to apply and become part of the IDAEA community!