Postdoctoral researcher
ORCID: 0000-0002-2296-4826

Alfonso Rodríguez Dono


Dr. Alfonso Rodriguez-Dono works as a post-doctoral researcher in Geomechanics and Numerical Modelling at CSIC -the biggest public research centre of Spain and the third in Europe- and as an associate professor at the Technical University of Catalunya (UPC) in Spain. Prior to joining CSIC and UPC, he has worked as a researcher at the University of Vigo on different topics, including rock mass post-failure behaviour applied to tunnelling design, stability of slopes, and underground excavations in rock masses. He obtained his PhD degree from University of Vigo in 2011 in Geotechnical Engineering and received the International Master’s degree on Sustainable Exploitation of Mineral Resources from Technical University of Madrid in 2008.

His main research in the last five years have been related with the development of Code_Bright, a software for numerical modelling of geomaterials. He has collaborated in the development of the code to model different problems associated to different projects. For instance, a viscoelastic-viscoplastic coupledmodel to study the viscous behaviour of soil or rock masses. This model includes very different possibilities depending on the characteristics of the geomaterial involved, e.g. Maxwell, Kelvin or Burgers model, and different failure criteria with the possibility of including softening or dilatancy. He has been also working lately with heterogeneous/anisotropic fields, a work that needs much further analysis. His current research interests include: Post-failure behaviour of rocks and rock masses in excavations, simulation and implementation of behavioural models in numerical programs, application of the convergence-confinement method to tunnelling, heterogeneous behaviour of geomaterials, sustainability, etc.

In addition, he has been doing several research stays in several universities across the world where he has cooperated with many researchers: University of Minnesota (USA), Università degli Studi di Parma (Italy), Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería (Perú), Universidad Nacional de San Juan (Argentina), Tongji University (China) and Shaoxing University (China).