Aurelio Foscari
Aurelio Foscari has graduated in Environmental Science at University of Ca’ Foscari in 2020, specializing in Environmental Chemistry during his master’s program. His research during both his bachelor’s and master’s theses was centered on the study of the colloidal behavior of engineered nanomaterials in artificial and natural aqueous media. Thereafter, he performed his PhD project at Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research (UFZ) focused on the analysis microplastic (MPs) in aqueous media, with a mayor focus on tire wear particles (TWP) and associated leached chemicals.
In 2024, he joined the Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research (IDAEA-CSIC) as a postdoctoral researcher. He is currently involved in the TRANSIT project, which aims to enhance the understanding of tire rubber additives in the environment and their potential implications for human health.