Cristina Postigo Rebollo
My endeavors have been focused on the investigation of the occurrence and fate of emerging organic contaminants in the environment, and the assessment of the potential risk that these chemicals may pose to both human and ecosystem health. For this, I make use of advanced analytical techniques based on liquid chromatography or gas chromatography coupled to low/high resolution mass spectrometry detection systems, and collaborate with scientists from different disciplines, e.g., toxicologists, epidemiologists, or engineers, in order to perform multidisciplinary studies. I am currently PI of the project ENFOCAR "ENFOque innovador para la detección de sustancias Citotóxicas y reprotóxicas en Agua Regenerada" (Innovative approach to detect cytotoxic and reprotoxic substances in reclaimed water). This project is carried out at the IDAEA-CSIC within the second edition of the ComFuturo Programme (Fundación General del CSIC). ENFOCAR aims at developing an analytical tool to identify toxic substances in disinfected water.