IDAEA Director
ORCID: 0000-0002-0814-6579

Ethel Eljarrat Esebag


More than 30 years of research and 5 “Sexenios”, currently Director of IDAEA. Also, Head of the group "Environmental and Water Chemistry for Human Health" (ONHEALTH) encompassing 4 staff scientists and more than 30 researchers. My scientific activity is focused on the development of analytical methods for emerging pollutants as well as in the assessment of their impact on the environment and on living organisms, including humans. Research focuses on bioaccumulation and biomagnification in aquatic and terrestrial organisms, as well as human exposure to these pollutants through ingestion (food), inhalation (indoor/outdoor) and dermal contact. Part of my current scientific activity focuses on the chemical impact of plastic pollution, being selected as an Expert in the event "Science in Parliament" (Congress of Deputies, Madrid 2018) to advise politicians. I am also involved in the management of wastes (plastics, electronics, tyres, textiles...), promoting the concept of a "clean" Circular Economy where pollutants are controlled from production to recycling processes. I have been selected to coordinate and support MITECO in the implementation of the Marine Strategies, specifically in Descriptor 9: Pollutants in fish. I am a member of the "Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) Expert Network on Contaminants" of the European Commission, which provides scientific and technical support for the implementation of Descriptor 9. 204 papers (Hirsch Index = 54; 9147 total cites); Co-editor of three books and 35 book chapters; 3 Plenary lectures; 11 Ph.D. thesis supervised and 7 in progress. 51 competitive research projects, 3 of them as coordinator and 17 as principal investigator. 36 contracts with administrations and/or companies.