Hugo Moro Cano
Hugo Moro is an Environmental Scientist (BSc at Universidad de Navarra, 2020) specialized in Environmental Pollution and Toxicology (MSc at University of the Basque Country, 2021). During his formative years he has accrued experience in different areas, mainly Analytical Chemistry and Molecular Biology. He is currently focused in the field of aquatic toxicology, where he has worked with different species, such as fish (Danio rerio, Gadus morhua), bivalves (Corbicula fluminea, Mytillus galloprovincialis) and invertebrates (Daphnia magna), as well as human cell lines, performing toxicity screenings, biochemical, physiological and genetic assays. He is currently a PhD student in the Environmental Toxicology group under the supervision of Dr. Carlos Barata. His thesis, entitled “Development and application of behavioral assays and omics responses for the identification of adverse cognitive effects of neuroactive compounds” aims to elucidate the prevalence and effects of these substances in aquatic ecosystems, as well as their potential impact on human and environmental health using Daphnia magna as a model.