Permanent Technical Staff
ORCID: 0000-0002-9451-0444

Inmaculada Fernández Escobar


Since 2009, my main activity has been as a Technical Supervisor on the Gas
Chromatography service in the CID (Research and Development Center) which has given to
me strong expertise in the use of analytical techniques such as:
* Gas Chromatography (with detectors: ECD, NPD, FPD, FID, MS etc)
* Mass spectrometry
* Liquid Chromatography
At the stage of the doctoral thesis, (still pending of presentation) my research was focused
on the development and validation of analytical methodologies through Supercritical Fluid
Extraction (SFE) and Gas Chromatography for the analysis of traces of priority organic
pollutants in environmental samples (air, water, sediment, biota.). This research was
reflected in the publication of various scientific papers.
I have a strong experience in sample collection in different environmental compartments (air,
atmospheric deposition, water, sediments and soils) for the analysis of priority pollutants.
This experience has been acquired in the context of my participation in different research

I have also participated in research projects of the National Plan, such as the ExpoCOV
(exposure to volatile organic pollutants in people performing physical exercise), where I was
in charge of the design and development of the sampling of volatile organic pollutants and
coordination of the measurement of the effects of physical activity of human volunteers.

Accustomed to working with BPL and GMP regulations within Quality Management Systems
ISO 9001 and ISO 17025.