Mamta Jotkar


I am a post-doctoral fellow at Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research (IDAEA) of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) in Barcelona, Spain. I am a fluid dynamicist by background. After completing my doctoral thesis (2016, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai), where I worked on modal and non-modal instabilities governing the onset of laminar-turbulent transition in wall-bounded flows, I have had the opportunity to branch out into the field of flow and transition in porous media during my post-doctoral research. First, I investigated the effect of chemical reactions on the convective-dissolution process occurring in the context of CO2 capture and sequestration (2017-2020, Université libre de Bruxelles) and second, I performed pore-scale simulations to understand diffusiophoresis of colloids in porous media during my Marie Curie individual fellowship (2020-2022, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid).

My current research interests are focused on combining complex scenarios including colloids driven by local gradients of solute concentration via diffusiophoresis and bacterial flows with flow and transport in porous media using microfluidic setups to gain a fundamental understanding of the underlying microscopic interactions and to develop quantitative models for predicting their macroscopic fate.