Permanent researcher
ORCID: 0000-0002-4073-3802

Mar Viana Rodríguez


Senior Staff Researcher. Her main research interests are indoor and outdoor air quality, occupational exposures, aerosol geochemistry, nanoparticles, mitigation strategies, and source apportionment (projects ETC/ACM, CERASAFE, MiAire, PREDEXPIN). >140 peer-reviewed research articles in SCI journals, >35 invited presentations, h-index = 52. She is vice-Chair of the Scientific Advisory Panel of UN Environment’s Global Environmental Outlook (GEO6) assessment, and Chair of the Aerosols and Health Working Group for the European Aerosol Conferences. Supervisor of 4 PhD Theses. MSc in Environmental Sciences by the Madrid Autonomous University; PhD in Air Quality, Barcelona University.