María Cruz Minguillón
Dr María Cruz Minguillón (female) is a tenure scientist at the Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research (IDAEA), CSIC. She holds a PhD in Environmental Science (2007, Doctorate Extraordinary Prize). She was Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Southern California, USA, and at Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland. She is expert in air pollution monitoring, including characterization, monitoring and assessment of ambient and indoor air quality, with a special focus on carbonaceous aerosols. She coordinates the COST Action CA16109 COLOSSAL on fine aerosols using high time resolution techniques (80 partners from 34 countries). She has been PI in a national project and co-PI in a Marie Curie ITN, and participated in more than 25 national and international projects. She is member of CEN European Working Groups. She organized international training schools. She is reviewer for 25 SCI journals and project proposal evaluator for entities in >5 countries. She conducted dissemination activities and provides advice to administrations such as European Commission, and National and Regional Governments in Spain. She is Scientist at IDAEA-CSIC with 82 SCI research articles, h-index = 36, 2 supervised PhD thesis and 1 ongoing.