PhD Student

Martí Nogués Freixas


Martí obtained his BSc in Geology at Universitat de Barcelona (UB). Due to his interest in water contamination, he carried out his BSc thesis on a study of the capture of fluoride ion in waters, where he had the opportunity to collaborate with the MAiMA group in the European FLOWERED project. Subsequently, he obtained MSc in Environmental Engineering at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), where in collaboration with the Agència Catalana de l’Aigua (ACA) ME DISTRAES project, he carried out a multi-methodological study for the detection of groundwater discharge on the Catalan coast.
Currently, he is in the IDAEA Geochemistry and Pollution group to begin his PhD in Analytical Chemistry and Environment. The main objective of his work will be the determination of the concentration of metals in sea waters and marine organisms.