Permanent researcher
ORCID: 0000-0003-3864-7451

Research Gate

Miguel Cañedo-Argüelles Iglesias


I am an ecologists working to assess the impact of human activities on aquatic biodiversity and ecosystem functioning using a wide variety of methods (e.g. biomarkers, ecological modelling, geographical information systems, ecological traits) and combining laboratory/mesocosm experiments with field studies. My research includes multiple levels of organisation. For example, I have studied how anthropogenic stressors and natural disturbances affect populations and communities of aquatic organisms and how this is translated into changes in ecosystem functioning and the delivery of ecosystem services. Also, I have addressed spatiotemporal dynamics by studying how organisms’ dispersal and the landscape configuration determine the exchange of species among communities and by analysing long-term and paleolimnological data.

My main scientific goal is to unravel the mechanisms behind species distribution, community assembly and ecosystem functioning to help managing aquatic ecosystems sustainably so both human welfare and ecosystem integrity can be guaranteed in the long term. I have used my research results to guide management and policy decisions, working side by side with government agencies, industry, NGOs and other stakeholders. Given that global environmental challenges will require integrated solutions, I have put special efforts into combining different disciplines (my co-authors belong to a wide variety of fields like chemistry, ecology, economics, engineering, geology or social sciences).