Sílvia Lacorte Bruguera
934006133 - int: 437899
Research group: Chemometrics
My research lines are focused in the field of environmental and analytical chemistry. The main research objective is to study the sources, distribution and fate of organic contaminants in environmental matrices and to determine their impact in living organisms. This research is being carried with focus on: (i) the development and validation of mass spectrometric based methods for the multiresidue analysis of organic contaminants and their degradation products; (ii) the design and implementation of sampling protocols and monitoring programs that comprise water, sediment and biota matrices; (iii) the evaluation of impacts of contaminants and other human activities in aquatic resources and wildlife by integrating chemical analysis with toxicological studies. My research seeks to identify the pressures that can affect the quality of the environment and human health and to propose solutions for their mitigation.
Integración de metodologías analíticas y quimiométricas para determinar contaminantes en aguas y subdegradacion pirolítica
El proyecto SCERA aporta una nueva y radical solución tecnológica para el creciente problema de la contaminación del agua, específicamente dirigida a eliminar los microcontaminantes orgánicos y los microplásticos que afectan a los recursos naturales y a la biodiversidad. Se diseñará y fabricará una estructura cerámica (Py-CER) con: (i) una superficie micro y nanoporosa funcionalizada con sorbentes para retener microcontaminantes orgánicos y microplásticos del agua; (ii) microelectrodos integrados dentro de la estructura cerámica para pirolizar los contaminantes retenidos; (iii) sensores incrustados en la nanoestructura cerámica para realizar mediciones en tiempo real mediante Espectroscopia de Impedancia Eléctrica (EIS), monitorizando así la carga de contaminantes. Este dispositivo funcionará en un procedimiento de dos etapas en el que (i) los contaminantes son retenidos en el Py-CER hasta su capacidad total y (ii) la pirólisis tiene lugar de forma rápida y eficiente utilizando bajos voltajes para alcanzar los 400-600ºC para degradar los contaminantes.
Referencia: TED2021-131552B-C21
Financiado: El proyecto TED2021-131552B-C21, financiado por CIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 y por la Unión Europea “NextGenerationEU”/PRTR”, siendo TED2021-131552B-C21 la referencia que figura en la resolución de concesión; MCIN el acrónimo del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación; AEI el acrónimo de la Agencia Estatal de Investigación; 10.13039/501100011033 el DOI (Digital Object Identifier) de la Agencia; y PRTR el acrónimo del Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia.
Start Date: 01/12/2022 – End Date: 30/11/2024
Project Leader: Sílvia Lacorte Bruguera
Researchers: Joaquim Jaumot Soler , Romà Tauler Ferré , Ana López Antia
Funding: European Project, National Project
Understanding groundwater Pollution to protect and enhance WATERquality
Groundwater plays a key role in providing water supplies and livelihoods to respond the pronounced water scarcity. Groundwater pollution is a widespread worldwide problem. The scientific and technological goals of the UPWATER project are:
-To provide scientific knowledge on identification, occurrence and fate of pollutants in the groundwater with cost-efficient sampling methods based on passive samplers.
-To develop sources apportionment methods to identify and quantify the pollution sources.
-To validate and assess the performance of bio-based engineered natural treatment systems designed as mitigation solutions.
The monitoring and mitigation solutions will be validated in 3 case studies (Denmark, Greece and Spain), representing different climate conditions and a combination of rural, industrial and urban pollution sources. Expected outcomes include amongst others updating the EU chemical priority lists, scaling-up the pilot bio-based solutions to demonstration scale, the adoption of some preventive measures in the case studies and the close-to-market development of the passive sampling devices.