Sílvia Lacorte Bruguera

Sílvia Lacorte Bruguera

934006133 - int: 437899 silvia.lacorte@idaea.csic.es
ORCID: 0000-0001-7192-4057
Research group: Chemometrics

My research lines are focused in the field of environmental and analytical chemistry. The main research objective is to study the sources, distribution and fate of organic contaminants in environmental matrices and to determine their impact in living organisms. This research is being carried with focus on: (i) the development and validation of mass spectrometric based methods for the multiresidue analysis of organic contaminants and their degradation products; (ii) the design and implementation of sampling protocols and monitoring programs that comprise water, sediment and biota matrices; (iii) the evaluation of impacts of contaminants and other human activities in aquatic resources and wildlife by integrating chemical analysis with toxicological studies. My research seeks to identify the pressures that can affect the quality of the environment and human health and to propose solutions for their mitigation.

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