Ramon y Cajal fellow

ORCID: 0000-0002-3500-674X

Victoria Osorio Torrens


Victoria Osorio is an Environmental Analytical Chemist with 15 years of experience in national and international research projects related to understand the fate and behaviour in the environment of contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) of anthropogenic and natural origin. To fulfil the aims of these studies, she has developed several analytical methods using cutting-edge instrumental techniques (e.g. Liquid and Gas Chromatography, Mass Spectrometry (MS), High Resolution MS and HRMS Imaging). She has applied different approaches for the analysis of CECs in complex environmental samples, such as target and non-target or suspect screening or effect-directed analysis (EDA).
With a solid background in the field of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, Dr. Osorio has been actively involved in several inter and multi-disciplinary scientific collaborations which have provided her knowledge in Ecology, (Eco)Toxicology, Microbiology, Modelling, Hydrobiology and Agro-biotechnology fields. Her main current research lines of interest to be developed at IDAEA (ONHEALTH research group) are focused on the development of effect-based methods (EDA) and HRMS Imaging to assess the occurrence, fate and risks of CECs in the environment.