The Chemometrics for Environmental Omics group focuses on the development and application of chemometric (data analysis) and analytical tools for the study of problems of environmental interest.
Main research lines include the development of chemometric approaches to analyse datasets coming from diverse analytical platforms, the application of these chemometric data analysis methods to evaluate the metabolomic effects of chemical pollutants and global change stressors on environmentally relevant organisms, and the analysis of environmental data sets (i.e. monitoring studies on air, surface waters, sediments and soils) to retrieve information regarding the identification, resolution, and apportionment of pollution sources and their environmental impact.
- Development of chemometric approaches to analyze datasets coming from diverse analytical platforms.
- Application of these chemometric data analysis methods to evaluate the effects of chemical pollutants and global change stressors on environmentally relevant organisms.
- Analysis of environmental data sets (i.e. monitoring studies on air, surface waters, sediments and soils) to retrieve information regarding the identification, resolution, and apportionment of pollution sources and their environmental impact.

Development of integrated new approach methodologies in air quality studies: deciphering the implications on lung and brain toxicity
DINAMIQS project aims to shed light on the relationship between the chemical composition of air pollution and its effects on human lung and brain health. This is carried out by using an integrated strategy that combines advanced analytical chemistry methods, new approach methodologies and chemometrics. The particulate matter samples for this project are collected in contrasting outdoor ambient air, from urban traffic to rural background sites.
Funding: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. Reference: PID2022-140392OB-I00
Start Date: 01/09/2023 – End Date: 31/08/2026
Funding: National Project
Innovative technologies and socio-ecological-economic solutions for fire resilient territories in Europe
Extreme wildfire events (EWE) are becoming a major environmental, economic and social threat in Southern Europe and increasingly gaining importance elsewhere in Europe. As the limits of fire suppression-centered strategies become evident, practitioners, researchers and policymakers increasingly recognise the need to develop novel approaches that shift emphasis to the root causes and impacts of EWE, moving towards preventive landscape and community management for greater resilience. FIRE-RES integrates existing research, technology, civil protection, policy and governance spheres related to wildfires to innovate processes, methods and tools to effectively promote the implementation of a more holistic fire management approach and support the transition towards more resilient landscapes and communities to EWE.
Grant agreement ID: 101037419
Funding: EU H2020