The Global Change and Genomic Biogeochemistry group focuses its research on the anthropogenic organic component of the carbon and nutrient cycles at regional and global scale. This research is focused on the marine environment, from coasts to global oceans, and in polar environments, mainly in Antarctica.
The research approach combines the use of intensive field work in oceanographic campaigns, combining chemical analysis of anthropogenic compounds in seawater and organisms (plankton, bacteria, krill), characterization of the sources (atmospheric, currents…), the biogeochemistry of anthropogenic organic compounds, and the microbial-pollutant mutual interactions addressed through metagenomic and molecular approaches. The group is international leader on Oceanic and Antarctic research, with contributions addressing the transport, occurrence and fate of anthropogenic chemicals in all oceans, the role of biodegradation mitigating marine pollution, the comparison of the fate of plastics and plasticizers, and the influence of organic pollutants on microbiome’s structure and function. The research group has also made important contributions on the atmospheric deposition of organic compounds in the oceans and the polar regions (both Arctic and Antarctica).
The research group combines scientists with expertise on environmental organic chemistry and microbial biogeochemistry and environmental genomics, and its evolution in recent years has involved the merging of chemical and metagenomic approaches to study the biogeochemistry of anthropogenic organic chemicals, their biodegradation by natural microbiomes and their effects on the major anthropogenic cycles of carbon and phosphorus.
- The general scientific objective of the “Global Change and Genomic Biogeochemistry” group is to characterize the anthropogenic component of the carbon and nutrient cycles and its biogeochemical relevance at regional and global scale, with especial emphasis in the marine and polar regions.
- Characterization and relevance of atmosphere-ocean exchange of organic matter and nutrients.
- Long-range transport of organic matter from land (urban, rural) to the oceans and Antarctica.
- Influence of atmospheric inputs of anthropogenic organic compounds on microbial communities as bases of marine food-webs and engineers of the biogeochemistry of the oceans
- Microbial biodegradation of anthropogenic organic compounds.
- Sources, transport and biogeochemistry of organic pollutants in Antarctica.
- Plastics and plasticizers in the ocean. Comparative biogeochemistry and role of microbial degradation.

Generación de hidrógeno y bioremediación
Ayuda TED2021-132070B-C22 financiada por MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 y por la “Unión Europea NextGenerationEU/PRTR”.
Start Date: 01/12/2022 – End Date: 01/06/2025

Biodegradation and interaction of bioplastic residues with the environment
The BIOplasticMENT project will address the emerging issues related to the presence of bio-micro-and-nanoplastics in the environment. It will evaluate the main exposure routes for the aquatic organism to respond to the multiple shortcomings and different innovative strategies for the decontamination of waters will be tested.
Start Date: 01/09/2023 – End Date: 31/08/2025
Funding: National Project

Microbiomes as integrative indicators of the impact of organic pollutants in water quality
MIQAS will explore global indicators of chemical pollution by using microbial bioindicators as new efficient methods of assessing water quality and organic pollution impacts.
Funding: Convocatoria 2021 - «Proyectos de Generación de Conocimiento», Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. PID2021-128084OB-I00
MIQAS will explore global indicators of chemical pollution by using microbial bioindicators as new efficient methods of assessing water quality and organic pollution impacts.
Funding: Convocatoria 2021 - «Proyectos de Generación de Conocimiento», Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. PID2021-128084OB-I00