The mission of ONHEALTH group is to enhance the understanding of the sources, occurrence, fate and behavior of pollutants of anthropogenic and biogenic origin and their impact on the environment and human health.
The major focus is on engineered systems, aquatic environments, terrestrial habitats, and the exposure to living organisms. To achieve these goals, we employ four main research lines:
1) Chemical and biological analysis to reliably detection and measurement at ultra-trace levels of contaminants in different matrices
2) Conduct controlled conditions experiments at our research facilities
3) Assess the impact of complex mixtures in environment and humans,
4) Assess the biota and human exposure through different routes (dietary, inhalation, dermal).
Our research on organic pollutants focuses mainly on four topics:
- Sampling and Biochemical Analyses
- Impact assessment studies
- Assessment of processes, such as biomagnification or bioaccumulation
- Experiments under controlled conditions
Sampling and chemical and biological analyses to reliably detect and measure at ultra-trace levels contaminants in different matrices, developing:
- sophisticated analytical methodologies (target, suspect and non-target approaches)
- methodologies for the analysis of polymers and plastic additives
- bio and passive sampling
- biosensors
Controlled condition experiments at our research facilities:
- greenhouse for cultivation of crops and installation of nature-based solutions
- marine micro/mesocosm emulating real conditions for accumulation studies and metabolomics studies
- thermal mannequin heads with breading system for the assessment of the real impact of contaminants present in indoor/outdoor or in different materials through breathing
Impact assessment through studies of:
- toxicological studies: standardized ecotoxicity tests, cell-lines toxicological studies with high-content analysis (HCA)
- metabolomic studies based on high resolution mass spectrometry
- impact of recycling processes and recycled materials
- water reuse on agricultural crops
Assessment of different processes, such as:
- bioaccumulation and biomagnification of pollutants along aquatic and terrestrial food chains
- transformations in natural or engineered systems
- human metabolism for exposure assessment
- water-based epidemiology
- human exposure through different routes: diet, inhalation and dermal contact
Our strategic plan is based on the development of frontier research and the training of new researchers together with an intense and effective fund raising through competitive calls and collaborations with public bodies and private companies.
ONHEALTH has an extensive network of collaborations:
- At national level: ACA, Agència de Residus de Catalunya, Agència de Salud Pública de Catalunya, Banco de Leche-Banc de Sang i Teixits de Catalunya, ICMAN, ICRA, IEO, ISGlobal, UB, UAB, UV, URiV, Parque Nacional de Doñana, Parque Nacional Tablas de Daimiel, Bioinicia S.L., ARPE S.L.
- At international level: University of New York (Buffalo, USA), CAPSENZE (Sweden), CONICET (Argentina), Universidad de Jijel (Algeria), CERTE (Tunisia), Florida International University (Miami, USA), Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel), UFZ (Germany), Université de Montpellier (France), INL (Portugal), RWTH (Germany), TUD (Germany), NIVA (Norway), IPMA (Portugal), among others.
Research Facilities
Instrumentation for chemical analysis
Sample collection, preparation and extraction:
- Freezer/Mill
- Quechers multi vortex
- Thermo block for incubation of human assays
- Evaporator SyncorePlus Analyst to perform a fast and gentle evaporation process with vacuum-vortex evaporation
- Extraction and purification of liquid samples by off-line solid phase extraction techniques.
- On-line extraction and purification:
- Turbulent flow chromatography (TurboFlow, Thermo Fisher) coupled to LC-QqQ-MS
- EQuan (Thermo Fisher Scientific) coupled to LC-QqQ-MS
- Extraction of solid samples:
- Pressurized liquid extraction – ASE 350 (Dionex)
- ONE PSE (Applied Separations)
Analysis by means of liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (LC-MS):
- Target analyses: LC-QqQ-MS, TSQ Vantage (Thermo Fisher Scientific)
- Suspect and non-target analyses: UHLPC-Orbitrap-MS, Q-Exactive (Thermo Electron)
Antropogenic particles (micro/nanoplastics and nanomaterials equipments)
- Spectrophotometer (Jenway 6062)
- Swift M10 Advanced Binocular Microscope
- Nanotracking analysis
- Pirolysis
Ecotox and biosensors lab
- Microtox® system (Azur)
- Spectrophotometer (Jenway 6062)
- ToxAlert 100 (Merck)
- Abratox Camera (Abraxis)
- Incubators with lateral illumination (Aqualytic)
- Cellular toxicity suit
- High content analysis (HCA) facilities
- Cell-lines suit access
- Cell-Insight NxT reader (Thermo)
- CellCense – Amperometric whole cell biosensor
- Microliter Plate readers and washers
Controlled conditions experiment facilities
- Greenhouse for cultivation of crops and installation of nature-based solutions
- Marine microcosms and mesocosms
- Thermal mannequin heads with breathing system

Mejorando la caracterización molecular de mezclas complejas en estudios ambientales, humanos y toxicológicos mediante un enfoque integrado utilizando espectrometría de masas y movilidad iónica
Este equipamiento es parte de la ayuda EQC2024-008517-P, financiada por MCIN/ AEI/10.13039/501100011033/ y FEDER Una manera de hacer Europa.
Start Date: 01/01/2024 – End Date: 30/06/2026

A holistic approach to resource recovery from wastewater
The aim of HOLIWATER is to promote the development and implementation of innovative technologies for the sustainable recovery of resources from wastewater and sludge components. A multi-disciplinary approach will be followed, from a plant-wide and holistic perspective. This integrative conception is possible within a network of highly experienced researchers in different disciplines, willing to promote close collaborations and knowledge-exchange.
Ayuda RED2022-134350-T financiada por MCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033
Start Date: 01/06/2023 – End Date: 31/05/2025
Funding: National Project
Integrated approach to assess the levels and impact of contaminants of emerging concern on blue health and biodiversity modulated by climate change drivers
The ONE-BLUE project aims to address the growing concerns about emerging contaminants (CECs) in marine environments. CECs can be found in pharmaceuticals, personal care products, flame retardants, pesticides, plastic additives, and micro- and nanoplastics. These contaminants pose a significant risk to marine ecosystems and biodiversity. Moreover, climate change exacerbates these risks by altering marine conditions, contaminant behaviour, and ocean acidification. The project seeks to enhance understanding of the presence, behaviour, and impacts of CECs in marine ecosystems under the influence of climate change.
ONE-BLUE focuses on developing new monitoring tools, advanced methodologies, and a comprehensive database (CECsMarineDB) to support effective management and policy decision-making. The studies include sampling campaigns in selected marine areas—the Atlantic Ocean, the Arctic, and the Mediterranean Sea—as well as controlled marine mesocosm experiments to investigate the interactions between CECs and climate change. Additionally, the project employs machine learning-based predictive models to assess and forecast future impacts. The project outcomes will be widely disseminated, and exploitation plans will be established to ensure the effective application of the developed technologies.
Funding: European Union’s HORIZON-CL6-2023-ZEROPOLLUTION-01 Ref No. 101134929
Start Date: 01/01/2024 – End Date: 30/06/2028
Funding: European Project
Estat sanitari de les anguiles europees d’estanys i cursos fluvials de la Mediterrània occidental: desenvolupament de mètodes no invasius d’estudi de fonts de contaminació i proposta de mesures de restauració
El projecte AnguillaMed analitzarà l’estat sanitari de les poblacions d’anguila europea (Anguilla anguilla) a la Mediterrània occidental, desenvolupant mètodes no invasius per a l’estudi de fonts de contaminació i fent propostes de mesures de restauració del seu estat sanitari. Des de mitjans del s. XX, la població d’anguila europea s’ha reduït a tot el món fins a tenir una presència mínima. Es calcula que els últims 50 anys els efectius d’aquesta espècie tan vulnerable s’han reduït a menys del 95%. Les causes principals en són la sobrepesca, la ruptura de la connectivitat ecològica, l’elevada la contaminació química de l’aigua i infestacions parasitàries, entre altres. Aquest projecte farà un estudi de camp que inclourà 12 llocs d’estudi, que corresponen a diverses masses d’aigua. D’entrada, a la demarcació dels Pirineus Orientals, a la de Girona i a la de Barcelona.
Els resultats del projecte permetran conèixer els nivells de degradació i l’estat ecològic dels ambients o hàbitats aquàtics continentals, llacunes costaneres i cursos fluvials i centrar-se en les causes del declivi de la biodiversitat: l’alteració de la hidromorfologia i la hidrodinàmica, la contaminació difusa d’origen agrari o industrial, etc. A partir d’aquí, i tenint en compte que l’anguila és una espècie indicadora de la qualitat del medi aquàtic, la intenció és proposar les mesures de restauració més adequades per a aquests hàbitats, de comú acord amb els grups socials d’interès de cada lloc d’estudi. Els resultats de la recerca també es considera que puguin ser extrapolables a altres regions mediterrànies i europees.
Start Date: 01/01/2024 – End Date: 31/12/2026
Funding: European Project
Developing strategies for controlling anthropogenic and geogenic pollutants in groundwater
The sustainability of freshwater resources is one of the most important challenges of the Mediterranean region and European Union, constituting a social, economic, and technological challenge, as pressure on these resources is increasing rapidly due to sharp population growth and industrial and agricultural activities. This situation will be especially dramatic in urban areas, which are expected to amass 70% of the world's population by 2050. Moreover, water resources will be also affected by climate change, especially in the south of Europe, where droughts will be more frequent, intense, and long. Combining both chemical and quantitative status assessments show that 29% of the total groundwater body area lacks sufficient capacity to meet the needs of ecosystems or society. Consequently, it is essential to preserve groundwater resources from overexploitation, but also from anthropogenic pollution.
WATERPOLLUT is focused on the newest classes of contaminants (organic contaminants of emerging concern, microplastics, geogenic trace elements and inorganic elements of emerging concern), investigating their presence, their hydrodynamic behaviour and natural attenuation through modelling and identification of their transformation products in groundwater, and also the potential risk associated with the consumption of drinking water produced from contaminated groundwater. In addition, the project aims at identifying pollution sources of emerging contaminants and at distinguishing between anthropogenic and geogenic origins in case of inorganic pollutants. Studies will be conducted in the deltas of two Mediterranean with distinct characteristics.
WATERPOLLUT will consist of two sub-projects: ATTENUATION and GEOTHROP-H2O, which are executed by two research institutes. the Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research (IDAEA) and Desertification Research Centre (CIDE) with recognized expertise in water quality analysis, risk assessment of contaminants in human health and environment, the assessment urban groundwater quality and evaluation of the impact of climate change on freshwater resources. To achieve the demanding objectives of this project, subject matter experts from the fields of analytical chemistry, hydrogeochemistry and numerical modelling will team up to design and execute the project in order to generate meaningful quality results. The need for such multidisciplinarity has been the driver for the collaboration between the two Centers coordinating the two subprojects that constitute the project WATERPOLLUT.
Funding: Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades; PID2022-138556OB-C21
Start Date: 01/09/2023 – End Date: 31/08/2026
Funding: National Project
Ciència ciutadana per conèixer l’exposició humana a additius del cautxú dels pneumàtics
CIRCULATE aims to monitor the environmental fate of tire wear particles in an urban environment and elucidate the routes of exposure in humans, while creating a research community with the public that will co-design and implement the study in the city of Barcelona. The project will elaborate a first participative and structured diagnosis of the presence of these chemical compounds in Barcelona using citizens science and social innovation with a planetary health approach that aims to raise community awareness of an environmental pollution problem not associated with the use of fossil fuels.
Funding: Ajuntament de Barcelona – Fundació “la Caixa”: Convocatòries per a l’atorgament de subvencions de recerca, creació artística i transferència de coneixement en el camp de la ciencia 2023
Reference: 23S06161-001
Start Date: 10/11/2023 – End Date: 10/05/2025
Funding: Regional Project

Tire Rubber Additives on the environment and wildlife and implications for the human health
TRANSIT is aimed to perform a broad environmental and human exposure assessment to Tire Wear Particles (TWPs) and related chemical compounds by the collection and analysis of air, water, biota and human samples from the Llobregat River Delta and surroundings. This is a unique area comprising the second biggest Spanish airport surrounded by urban, agricultural, industrial and natural protected spaces to study the fate of TWPs in the environment and their impact on the human health.
Funding: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. Reference: PID2022-138623OA-100
Start Date: 01/09/2023 – End Date: 31/08/2026
Funding: National Project

Biodegradation and interaction of bioplastic residues with the environment
The BIOplasticMENT project will address the emerging issues related to the presence of bio-micro-and-nanoplastics in the environment. It will evaluate the main exposure routes for the aquatic organism to respond to the multiple shortcomings and different innovative strategies for the decontamination of waters will be tested.
Start Date: 01/09/2023 – End Date: 31/08/2025
Funding: National Project

Scientific approaches in the implementation of marine strategies: management tools
The main objective of the Marine Strategies Framework Directive is to protect the marine environment. To this end, Member States must develop Marine Strategies (EEMM) that include the initial assessment of the environmental status of national marine waters, the definition of the good environmental status (BEA) of the marine environment based on 11 descriptors, the establishment of environmental targets, the development and implementation of monitoring programmes designed to assess whether the BEA is being achieved, and programmes of measures aimed at achieving the BEA.
In Spain, the competent authority for the development of the EEMM is the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge (MITERD). There is currently a need to improve scientific knowledge on the state of the marine environment at national level, its response and/or adaptation to climate change and to integrate it into decision-making on its management. The ACCIÓN project arises from this need and brings together a consortium of CSIC researchers with complementary experiences in the assessment and prediction of the impact of climate change on marine ecosystems and in the development of tools for response and adaptation to future scenarios. The IDAEA coordinates Eje 6: Pollution in fishery products, directly related to EEMM Descriptor 9.
Funding: Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico: European Union-NextGenerationEU Agreement between MITERD and CSIC, through PTI OCEANS+
Start Date: 01/01/2023 – End Date: 31/12/2025
Funding: European Project

Development of biodegradable multifunctional coatings for paper and cardboard packaging applications
Thin film polymer coating applications are one of the most common functional applications in the packaging industry. Due to the low weight of these plastic layers, their high surface-to-thickness ratio and the difficulty to separate it from the other layers in multilayer structures, their recyclability is not technically feasible nor economically / environmentaly worthwile. BIOFUNPAPER project aims at developing thin film coatings made of organic recyclable biopolymers for the development of hydrophobic and high barrier paper and cardboard coating, fully biodegradable, free of toxic additives and with lower environmental impact than what is currently available. The materials developed in the project will be fully assessed to ensure the performance as barrier and hydrophobic packaging materials as well as the compostability and biodegradability of the concepts in the environment.
The consortium of the project is composed of a multidisciplinary research team of 4 partners: Bioinicia SL (a biotech company devoted to electro-hydrodynamic processing of materials), the Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology (IATA-CSIC), the Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research (IDAEA-CSIC), and the University Jaume I (UJI). The project will begin in a very low TRL 2-3 with the development of new materials, and will finish in high TRL 5-6 with the validation of the protoypes at an industrial scale.
Funding: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Proyectos de colaboración Público-Privada): CPP2021-008973
Thin film polymer coating applications are one of the most common functional applications in the packaging industry. Due to the low weight of these plastic layers, their high surface-to-thickness ratio and the difficulty to separate it from the other layers in multilayer structures, their recyclability is not technically feasible nor economically / environmentaly worthwile. BIOFUNPAPER project aims at developing thin film coatings made of organic recyclable biopolymers for the development of hydrophobic and high barrier paper and cardboard coating, fully biodegradable, free of toxic additives and with lower environmental impact than what is currently available. The materials developed in the project will be fully assessed to ensure the performance as barrier and hydrophobic packaging materials as well as the compostability and biodegradability of the concepts in the environment.
The consortium of the project is composed of a multidisciplinary research team of 4 partners: Bioinicia SL (a biotech company devoted to electro-hydrodynamic processing of materials), the Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology (IATA-CSIC), the Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research (IDAEA-CSIC), and the University Jaume I (UJI). The project will begin in a very low TRL 2-3 with the development of new materials, and will finish in high TRL 5-6 with the validation of the protoypes at an industrial scale.
Funding: Proyecto CPP2021-008973, financiado por MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 y por la Unión Europea “NextGenerationEU”/PRTR