Abad Holgado, Esteban
934006185 – int: 437872
The Laboratory of Dioxins focuses on the development and application of analytical methodologies for the study of these compounds, both in environmental samples and food and feed matrices. Accredited according to UNE-EN-ISO/IEC 17025 for both environmental samples (Accreditation nº 159/LE1177) and food and feed matrices (Accreditation nº 159/LE2587), the laboratory also participates in projects related to toxicological and epidemiological studies in which the effects on humans are the subject of investigation. It is also noticeable, that the laboratory participated in a Circumnavigation study, in which, among other items, it was reported as for the first time the levels of some persistent organic pollutants, including dioxins and dioxin-like compounds, in open oceans and their role in the global distribution of these pollutants worldwide.