The mission of ONHEALTH group is to enhance the understanding of the sources, occurrence, fate and behavior of pollutants of anthropogenic and biogenic origin and their impact on the environment and human health.
The major focus is on engineered systems, aquatic environments, terrestrial habitats, and the exposure to living organisms. To achieve these goals, we employ four main research lines:
1) Chemical and biological analysis to reliably detection and measurement at ultra-trace levels of contaminants in different matrices
2) Conduct controlled conditions experiments at our research facilities
3) Assess the impact of complex mixtures in environment and humans,
4) Assess the biota and human exposure through different routes (dietary, inhalation, dermal).
Our research on organic pollutants focuses mainly on four topics:
- Sampling and Biochemical Analyses
- Impact assessment studies
- Assessment of processes, such as biomagnification or bioaccumulation
- Experiments under controlled conditions
Sampling and chemical and biological analyses to reliably detect and measure at ultra-trace levels contaminants in different matrices, developing:
- sophisticated analytical methodologies (target, suspect and non-target approaches)
- methodologies for the analysis of polymers and plastic additives
- bio and passive sampling
- biosensors
Controlled condition experiments at our research facilities:
- greenhouse for cultivation of crops and installation of nature-based solutions
- marine micro/mesocosm emulating real conditions for accumulation studies and metabolomics studies
- thermal mannequin heads with breading system for the assessment of the real impact of contaminants present in indoor/outdoor or in different materials through breathing
Impact assessment through studies of:
- toxicological studies: standardized ecotoxicity tests, cell-lines toxicological studies with high-content analysis (HCA)
- metabolomic studies based on high resolution mass spectrometry
- impact of recycling processes and recycled materials
- water reuse on agricultural crops
Assessment of different processes, such as:
- bioaccumulation and biomagnification of pollutants along aquatic and terrestrial food chains
- transformations in natural or engineered systems
- human metabolism for exposure assessment
- water-based epidemiology
- human exposure through different routes: diet, inhalation and dermal contact
Our strategic plan is based on the development of frontier research and the training of new researchers together with an intense and effective fund raising through competitive calls and collaborations with public bodies and private companies.
ONHEALTH has an extensive network of collaborations:
- At national level: ACA, Agència de Residus de Catalunya, Agència de Salud Pública de Catalunya, Banco de Leche-Banc de Sang i Teixits de Catalunya, ICMAN, ICRA, IEO, ISGlobal, UB, UAB, UV, URiV, Parque Nacional de Doñana, Parque Nacional Tablas de Daimiel, Bioinicia S.L., ARPE S.L.
- At international level: University of New York (Buffalo, USA), CAPSENZE (Sweden), CONICET (Argentina), Universidad de Jijel (Algeria), CERTE (Tunisia), Florida International University (Miami, USA), Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel), UFZ (Germany), Université de Montpellier (France), INL (Portugal), RWTH (Germany), TUD (Germany), NIVA (Norway), IPMA (Portugal), among others.
Research Facilities
Instrumentation for chemical analysis
Sample collection, preparation and extraction:
- Freezer/Mill
- Quechers multi vortex
- Thermo block for incubation of human assays
- Evaporator SyncorePlus Analyst to perform a fast and gentle evaporation process with vacuum-vortex evaporation
- Extraction and purification of liquid samples by off-line solid phase extraction techniques.
- On-line extraction and purification:
- Turbulent flow chromatography (TurboFlow, Thermo Fisher) coupled to LC-QqQ-MS
- EQuan (Thermo Fisher Scientific) coupled to LC-QqQ-MS
- Extraction of solid samples:
- Pressurized liquid extraction – ASE 350 (Dionex)
- ONE PSE (Applied Separations)
Analysis by means of liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (LC-MS):
- Target analyses: LC-QqQ-MS, TSQ Vantage (Thermo Fisher Scientific)
- Suspect and non-target analyses: UHLPC-Orbitrap-MS, Q-Exactive (Thermo Electron)
Antropogenic particles (micro/nanoplastics and nanomaterials equipments)
- Spectrophotometer (Jenway 6062)
- Swift M10 Advanced Binocular Microscope
- Nanotracking analysis
- Pirolysis
Ecotox and biosensors lab
- Microtox® system (Azur)
- Spectrophotometer (Jenway 6062)
- ToxAlert 100 (Merck)
- Abratox Camera (Abraxis)
- Incubators with lateral illumination (Aqualytic)
- Cellular toxicity suit
- High content analysis (HCA) facilities
- Cell-lines suit access
- Cell-Insight NxT reader (Thermo)
- CellCense – Amperometric whole cell biosensor
- Microliter Plate readers and washers
Controlled conditions experiment facilities
- Greenhouse for cultivation of crops and installation of nature-based solutions
- Marine microcosms and mesocosms
- Thermal mannequin heads with breathing system
Partnership for the Assessment of Risk from Chemicals
The European Partnership for the Assessment of Risks from Chemicals (#EU_PARC) aims to advance research, share knowledge, and improve skills in chemical risk assessment. By doing so, it will help support the European Union's Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability, paving the way for the "zero pollution" ambition announced in the European Green Deal.
Main objectives:
- Develop the scientific skills needed to address current and future challenges in chemical safety
- Provide new data, methods, and innovative tools to those responsible for assessing and managing the risks of chemical exposure
- Strengthen the networks which bring together actors specialised in the different scientific fields contributing to risk assessment
PARC represents a campaign of unprecedented scale, since it brings together 200 partners from 28 countries, as well as three EU agencies (the European Environment Agency – EEA, the European Chemicals Agency – ECHA, and the European Food Safety Authority – EFSA). The partnership encompasses all aspects of chemical risk assessment, aiming in particular to: better anticipate emerging risks, better account for combined risks, and underpin the concrete implementation of new orientations in European public policies to safeguard the health and the environment in response to important issues for health, the ecology and citizens' expectations.
The Spanish coordination was assigned to the IDAEA's Geochemistry and Pollution group (Joan Grimalt) and the Instituto Carlos III.
HORIZON-HLTH-2021-ENVHLTH-03: 101057014
Start Date: 01/05/2022 – End Date: 30/04/2029
Funding: European Project
Understanding groundwater pollution to protect and enhance water quality
Groundwater plays a key role in providing water supplies and livelihoods to respond the pronounced water scarcity. Groundwater pollution is a widespread worldwide problem. The scientific and technological goals of the UPWATER project are:
-To provide scientific knowledge on identification, occurrence and fate of pollutants in the groundwater with cost-efficient sampling methods based on passive samplers.
-To develop sources apportionment methods to identify and quantify the pollution sources.
-To validate and assess the performance of bio-based engineered natural treatment systems designed as mitigation solutions.
The monitoring and mitigation solutions will be validated in 3 case studies (Denmark, Greece and Spain), representing different climate conditions and a combination of rural, industrial and urban pollution sources. Expected outcomes include amongst others updating the EU chemical priority lists, scaling-up the pilot bio-based solutions to demonstration scale, the adoption of some preventive measures in the case studies and the close-to-market development of the passive sampling devices.
Start Date: 01/11/2022 – End Date: 30/04/2026
Funding: European Project

Identifying determinants for indoor air quality and their health impact in environments for children: Measures to improve indoor air quality and reduce disease burdens.
InChildHealth will integrate health, environmental, technical and social sciences research to identify determinants for Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) and evaluate their impact in environments occupied by school children. We will focus on chemicals, particle concentrations, microorganisms and physical parameters in schools, homes, sports halls and transport. The IAQ of these environments determines the dose received by the children and may directly influence their health and well-being. An environmental epidemiological study and controlled interventions conducted in schools in three European cities will assess the health effects of multipollutant airborne exposures on respiratory infections, allergies, and neurological and cognitional symptoms. In addition, dose-response Will be evaluated with a novel cytotoxicity testing pipeline using in-vitro approaches. The InChildHealth consortium will cover an impressive variety of geographical and cultural diversity, with targeted exposure measurement campaigns and citizen involvement in seven European countries from Northern, Central and Southern Europe and interventions in Australia.
Horizon Europe, ref.: HORIZON-HLTH-2021-ENVHLTH-02-02
Start Date: 01/06/2022 – End Date: 31/05/2026
Funding: European Project

Evaluation of contaminants and pathogens of emerging concern through wastewater-based epidemiology and risk assessment approaches
The main objective of IMAGE is to address the concern regarding the increasing presence of contaminants and pathogens of emerging concern in the different aquatic environments, and food webs, as well as their eventual impact on human health.
Grant PID2020-116789RB-C41 funded by MCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033
Start Date: 01/09/2021 – End Date: 31/03/2025
Funding: National Project
Twinning for Enhancing the Scientific Excellence of Faculty of Technology novi sad for innovative solutions to protect environmental resources from contaminants of emerging concern
Contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) include numerous chemicals that are not subjected to routine monitoring or emission control, but pose a global threat due to potential negative impact on the environment and human health. Surveillance of CECs and improvement of removal technologies are aligned with the European Green Deal commitment to become climate-neutral by 2050 and support a toxic free environment. The EU-funded TwiNSol-CECs project enhances the capacity of the Faculty of Technology Novi Sad, Serbia, in CEC research through twinning with two of the leading western European research institutions in this area.
Surveillance of contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) has important role in protection of both humans and the environmental resources, which is a goal in compliance to the European Green Deal (EGD) commitment for transition of EU to zero-pollution, toxic free environment. However, there is a significant gap between countries and regions in terms of the scientific and innovative capacities needed to tackle the challenge that CECs in the environmental compartments present.
Overall objective of TwiNSol-CECs is to raise scientific and innovation excellence of the Faculty of Technology Novi Sad (TFNS), Serbia, in various aspects of the CECs research, integrated in broader EU networks of excellence, and contributing to national and regional scientific and economic growth and well-being. Specific TwiNSol-CECs objectives are: 1. Stepping up the excellence of the TFNS scientific capacity and resources in field of the wide-range CECs’ surveillance and innovative removal technologies, contributing to the stronger R&I system in Serbia and WBs integrated in the EU networks of excellence, 2. Intensification of strategic networking activities of TFNS with 2 top-class leading research institutions at EU level: Spanish National Research Council, Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research (CSIC), Spain, and NOVA University Lisbon, NOVA School of Science and Technology (UNL), Portugal, 3. Raising reputation, research profile and attractiveness of TFNS and its staff, 4. Strengthening the research management and administration skills of TFNS, and 5. Improving the TFNS creativity in new R&I approaches for the CECs’ wide range surveillance and removal with increasing mobility of qualified scientists.
The project represents a coherent set of knowledge-, skills-, experience-, and awareness- raising activities, dissemination, communication, networking, coordination, etc. for successful achieving of the project objectives.
Funded by the European Union. Grant agreement ID: 101059867
Start Date: 01/08/2022 – End Date: 31/07/2025
Funding: European Project
Preventing Recalcitrant Organic Mobile Industrial chemicalS for Circular Economy in the Soil-sediment-water system
PROMISCES will identify how industrial pollution prevents the deployment of the circular economy in the EU and which strategies help overcome key bottlenecks to deliver the ambitions of the European Green Deal and Circular Economy Action Plan. Funded as an H2020 project, PROMISCES considers specific circular economy routes including (i) semi-closed water cycles for drinking water supply at urban and catchment scale; (ii) wastewater reuse for irrigation in agriculture; (iii) nutrient recovery from sewage sludge; (iv) material recovery from dredged sediment and (v) land remediation for safe reuse in urban areas.